All I did was read, plan the next week or so, and nurse my fucking wounds... Still waiting to hear back from a friend to see if I can stay at his folks' place in Hong Kong. I'm a dunce and didn't think the Japanese Rail pass would that THAT necessary. I'm an idiot. It totally is. Especially if you're doing what I'm doing and covering the distances I want to cover. I'll definitely buy the three week pass when in Korea and make up for what I didn't do now. In the meantime, this hiking and real backpacking has been an experience all on its own. But, shit, I really need a bath.
Hopefully I get the go ahead and can book the plans I've come up with. It'll be cheaper than taking trains... Seriously. My plan if I can stay with them in HK is to walk and train to Hakodate and then ferry to Oma and walk/bus to Osore-zan and the Buddhist temple up there on the mountain. Then I'll train my way to Aomori and look around there before flying back to Tokyo and onto HK and, hopefully, Cambodia!
Plus, bonus shot of the ramen shop!
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